How much money should your client spend on any given strategy? Is all relative to the product, consumer and how fast you want results. No matter what percentage, each strategy should be handle like it was the only one. Work with the given tools and capitalize on it a 100%.
1. Social Media; know your target audience; sector and tendencies. Engage with them and create a brand awareness that will develop into a loyalty program. Remember is real time.
2. BTL; have a theme. Let the consumer know what is about. Promote the brand´s image. Invite the right audience.
3. Traditional; have a specific image. Consumers tend to base their opinions on a visual image. Your will probably learn of any feedback thru social media.
4. ATL; They have to be catchy to the eye. The are promotional tools with a subliminal message.
There is no basic rule of thumb on how or what to spend on each strategy. The variables of when and how you want your results will depend on the aggressiveness of your advertising campaign. For those who are budget conscious, brake down the strategy into different steps that can be done simultaneously or progressively. Do a market analysis first in order to get well educated. Depending on the product, consumer and tendencies you might want to vary your budget. It is always recommended to get professional help.
How much do you allocate for your client or is he the one who is dictating the percentage? Let us know.
Thank you beautiful!