Friday, October 9, 2015

Multiscreen - Cross Browsing

Now a day, Consumers are adapting more and more to the multiscreen concept. It is set to become the norm, as is one simple way to communicate and have multiple viewing of your wants, needs and likes.  The cross browsing gives some type of empowerment to the consumer over the content. Hence, creating a more demanding audience. 

Being that there are over 3,220,774,000 of daily worldwide Internet users. Stats China having the most users with 641,601,070 and United States 279,834,232, Brands and companies have to be creative in how to attract the consumer´s attention. Facilitating the experience is one of the more efficient ones. 

Since it is a utility to make multiple monitors computing easier, Website, blogs, portals have to be designed to all types of screen sizes. Most of the latest technology gadget already comes with the multiscreen utility implemented.

These are examples of the different characteristic of multiple screens.
  1. Mostly white screens
  2. High Security - Due to the multimedia sharing, make sure of your Internet security.
  3. Each screen type has a role;
    1. Consuming 
    2. Media
    3. Shopping
    4. Work
Have in mind that these is a venue for companies to know your tendencies as well. It goes both ways. 

 “Connected TVs and multiscreen devices are irrevocably altering TV viewing experiences”. Don´t you think it can create not only a demanding audience but also a more addictive? Too much accessibility can develop a lax attitude toward learning the process of knowledge. How much do we learn or really absorb by having so many screens open? Is like reading 3 books at the time. How much do we appreciate each one of them?

       BII MOBILE INSIGHTS: Multi-Screen Media Consumption Is The New Normal
Image by (Bill mobile insights)
